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Killing Hearts_A Dark Romance Page 13

  “Boys get in here”

  Shit! What does he want. I look at Bane, and he shrugs his shoulders. I put down my duffle bag that I was getting prepared for our escape. We both walk towards the office, and knock on the door.

  “Come in”

  Nothing could prepare us for what we would see when we open the door. Two girls, barely eighteen, tied to chairs. Bruises littered their bodies, and blood dripped from their noses. Their heads are slumped forward, and their breaths are labored. One girl, the blonde, has on a white tank top that is ripped and soiled, looks like someone pissed on her. The other, the red head, is in a dress that no longer covers her breasts, the word slut is carved into her chest.

  “Happy birthday boys, they are all yours.” He sneers, a smile on his face.

  The men surrounding the room chuckle, obviously enjoying the disaster in front of them. This is wrong.

  “no, I don’t want them”

  My father’s eyes turned black and his fist clenched at his sides.

  “You don’t like my gift, you, ungrateful bastard, you will fuck them, then you will kill them. You are of age boys, time for you to earn your keep. But I am feeling generous” he pulls his Glock out of his drawer and aims it the blonde and shoots her in leg. She screams.

  “oops” my father chuckles, then shoots her in the head. Sick fuck. She falls back lifeless, taking the chair with her. Blood pools around her head. She was pretty once, but all I can think of is Jesse, we must protect my baby sister.

  “Fine, we will take her.”

  “I knew you would come around son”

  I untie the girl from the chair and Bane and I carry her to the bedroom.

  She cries, begging to be set free. My hearts breaks for her, but sadly she isn’t important right now. I have my responsibilities and I must protect her.

  “Shh” I soothe, trying to calm her. Bane and I look at each other, we are not going to fuck her, we are not monsters.

  Bane walks around and considers her eyes, then looks at me.

  “We can’t do this, Danny” he says with sincerity, “we are not killers.”

  “we have to. It’s for Jesse”

  I grab the gun off the dresser and points it at her head. She starts to cry.

  “I am sorry but there is twelve-year-old girl who needs our protection, I will make it quick” and I shoot her in the head. I lost myself that day. I died with her, cause now, I am a killer.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  We walk out of the room, blood on my shirt and Bane looking lifeless.

  “Good job boys, granted I thought we would have more a show. I guess you aren’t like me after all” he chuckles, “Let’s get down to business.” More of a show?

  He points to the chairs across his desk.

  “You are part of the crew now, you belong to me. I bet your wondering, there were cameras in that room. I have both of you by the balls, if you betray me, if you leave me, I will fuck your whole world up. You work for me. Got it?”

  We both nod. We failed. Were stuck. Jesse is stuck.

  Part Four

  29: I Swear…Truth

  “War is peace.

  Freedom is slavery.

  Ignorance is strength.”

  ― George Orwell, 1984


  Jesse Montgomery

  I WOKE UP to a pounding in my head, whatever they gave me still swimming in my system. My arms and legs are tied to a cold metal table and I am laying on my stomach, naked. What are they going to do to me? I don’t want to die like this. I should fight, but I’m tired. If I just let them end it, it would be over, no more pain, no more running, freedom.

  I hear footsteps but I can’t turn my head to confront the people holding me hostage. I close my eyes, hopefully they will think I am still asleep. The footsteps are getting closer and louder, and the shiver that runs through my body alerts them that I am awake. A hand comes to my head and pets me like a dog.

  “Shh, it will all be over soon, but we are awaiting our guest, he will be here soon, I’m Carl, the brute over there, the one you will belong too by the end of the night, that’s Trent, don’t piss him off” a strong voice I haven’t heard before whispers in my ear. Trent smirks.

  I hear the chuckling of the other men in the room and I know they have their own idea of “fun”.

  “But dear, I am a patient man, but we have waited awhile for him to show, maybe you’re not that important, who knows, but until he arrives, I want to have some fun, is that alright by you.”

  I start to beg but he shoves something in my mouth that stops me from speaking.

  “No need to answer, sweetheart, you really have no say” he rubs his finger down the back of my spine, “looks like he has already enjoyed some time with you, I look forward to adding to your marks.”

  He comes around to the front and I notice he is wearing nothing but boxers and black socks, but I pull up to look at far as I can see and notice he is wearing a masquerade mask. His eyes are brown and dark and he almost looks like he pities me, not enough to save me. Another man comes around the side and joins him wearing the same garb, he hands him a knife, and the tears come down like a waterfall. Not again, I can’t bleed anymore. No more pain, just end it.

  “Now, I am going to take this out of your mouth, my men like to hear woman scream, I’m not partial to it, but I’m a caring boss, so scream if you must”.

  I hear the sound of a blowtorch, then he shows the glowing blade before an ear-splitting scream escapes my lips as searing pain explodes down my spine, and the smell of burning flesh invades my nose.

  “BANE!!!!!” I scream and right before I pass out, I hear his voice.

  “I’m here”

  ✽ ✽ ✽


  “Ms. Montgomery, you are under oath, is that correct”


  “Then answer the question. Who killed your father, Marco Montgomery?

  “B-Bane Stratus” the lie tasting like poison escaping my lips.

  “Is he here right now, will you point to the man responsible for kidnapping, terrorizing, and killing your father”

  With a shaking hand I point to Bane and the pain in my chest expands and tears well up in my eyes. I look away not able to bare the look he is giving me, a look I never want to see again. He hates me. I wouldn’t see him since he was arrested. It’s been two months. I picked him out of a line-up, told the lies my mother wanted me to spew. Concocting a horrible story of kidnapping and premeditated murder. I ignored every phone call or letter. Until now he hasn’t seen my face.

  “H-he raped me and was p-planning on killing me as well, but I g-got away.”

  I’m so sorry Bane, you will die, just like Danny, I can’t let you die, please see, I’m saving you.

  Bane looks down and shakes his head, I have disappointed him, and he will never forgive me.

  “No more questions, Ms. Montgomery.” The prosecution states.

  The judge looks up and ask the defense if they have any questions, this is the part I feared. If they say yes, I will have to defend myself, and I don’t know how long I can keep these lies going without caving.

  Bane looks at his lawyer, and whisper something in his ear, the lawyer shakes his head, obviously aggravated with what Bane is saying to him.

  The lawyer stands with a huff, “No Your honor, the defense rests with this witness. But we would like to state a change in plea.” He looks down and shakes his head, “We would like to plead guilty to all charges”

  Bane looks at me and pure hatred burns in his gaze, I lost him, I killed him.

  30: If Looks Could Kill…

  “Also, I'm angry. I know life is hard, I think everyone knows that in their hearts, but why does it have to be cruel, as well? Why does it have to bite?”

  ― Stephen King, 11/22/63


  Bane Stratus

  I HAD TO let her go, if I didn’t I could kill her. How could she do this to me? I was willing to take the fall f
or Marco, for her, but to add kidnapping, and rape? I’ll never forget the look in the jury’s eyes, not that I give a flying fuck what anyone thinks of me, but damn, it hurt.

  The judge looks shocked at the change of events, I was fighting this all the way, probably would have lost, but I would have fought. Had I pleaded guilty I could get a plea deal, I’m still hoping it is on the table, because the only thing on my mind right now is watching the air leave her lungs one last time. She is dead to me.

  It’s crazy how fast you can go from loving someone with all your heart, to hating them the next. But what I feel is more than hate, it’s betrayal, and vengeance, it’s a rage I never knew existed in me.

  When she didn’t answer my calls, I was angry. When she didn’t answer my letters I was livid, those took time. When she showed up at this trial and didn’t look my way I saw red. But when she got on that stand and lied through her fucking teeth, I was murderous. Oh, and best believe I’ll get out, I’ll be back for her, there is nowhere to run.

  I look over to the bitch now, she sits with her mother, and avoids my gaze. She is dressed like the perfect daughter, a black pencil skirt, high waisted, and a white short sleeved V-neck shirt tucked in, that shows the perfect amount of cleavage to still be appropriate, but fuck she looks good. But she has changed. It’s like I don’t even know her, she looks cold, and callous.

  I took one last look at her before the judge calls for recess. The guards put me in cuffs and she turns her head and her eyes meet mine. For minuet I see the girl I fell in love with, a lone tear escapes her eye. Then like a bolt of lightning she turned fierce and a cold smile crossed her once innocent face. She played me.

  ✽ ✽ ✽


  “I’m here”

  “About damn time, I was starting to think you wouldn’t show, she was about to lose too much blood”

  I look to Jesse, she is pale, and her body is covered in blood, that bastard used a hot knife on her. I will enjoy killing him first. These motherfuckers sent her to me on purpose. I didn’t put it all together until I thought about the money I was putting aside.

  The Elite isn’t stupid, they planned this from the beginning. They knew I wanted out, but I knew too much. How did I not think of this before? There is no getting out, the only way out is to die the death you have inflicted on so many others.

  I will protect Jesse, I won’t die by the hands of the Elite, I will die by the hands of the Guardians, I already gave my word. But first I must get Jesse out of here. She doesn’t belong her, they sought her out from the beginning, but how did they know about her in such detail, to place a hit on her.

  “I wouldn’t have missed it” I hiss, “now, since you have already used my toy, I presume, you didn’t trust me to do the job myself”

  I look back into Jesse eyes, willing her to see me, to know I am just playing the part to protect her, she is no longer on my hit list. Well not that one. She starts to cry, sobs wracking her body, she screams on the top of her lungs, exhaustion taking over. She is losing her fight. Don’t give up. I’m here. Right here, darlin.

  “Beautiful when she cries, I can’t wait to rip out her vocal chords and feed ‘em to her.” He snarls. I growl in retaliation, and my finger twitches on my pistol behind my back.

  He is mocking me, I want to shoot this fucker, but I know he isn’t alone. That bastard is a pussy. He isn’t an assassin, like me, or the people that currently have snipers aimed our way, no, this fucker is a pencil pusher, who is just doing what the boss told him too. But who the fuck is pulling the strings?

  I just hope Theo and his men are in position to take out the snipers when the shit hits the fan. Or we are all dead. Not just me.

  As if it heard my thoughts, the master of the puppets shows its face, followed by the face of so many mistakes. Irina fucking Star, and Cierra smirk in my direction. Looking between the two I notice a similarity I never saw before, I squint trying to see something I’m praying I am wrong about.

  Jesse looks at her mother, and tears well in her eyes. My heart breaks for her. Her mother is a bitch, but fuck, I never thought she would kill her own daughter.

  Irina looks at her daughter with disgust, “Oh dear, you’re in a pickle honey, that looks like it hurts” she points to her daughters back.

  “You know Cierra, right Bane?” She smirks, and looks to her daughter, and grabs her hair and pulls it back, Jesse yelps. I move to attack, when a red dot appears on Jesse throat, “Dear, meet your aunt Cierra, she has been wanting to meet you for a while.”

  What the fuck?

  31: Unfolding Home

  “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

  ― G.K. Chesterton


  Jesse Montgomery

  AUNT? MY MOTHER doesn’t have a sister, she was an only child, abandoned, that is why I gave her the benefit of the doubt for all these years, she had a rough upbringing, contributing to who she is today.

  “Who is she?” I whisper, barely being able to form words.

  “She is your aunt, like I said, pay attention. I found her a few years ago, our mother was a coke whore, and sold us both. Thought she could use a little cash, brought her in as informant on Bane and on your father. I wanted him to think hiring her was his idea, he fell for it fast, so obsessed with fucking with you, he never thought twice and keeping him away from you. I knew where you would be that night you killed your father. I knew what he planned and I knew you would retaliate, it worked perfectly.” She huffs and looks at Cierra, “well it was, until she fell in love with Bane.” She says sounding irate. Cierra steps back as if my mother hit her, she looks down, then meets my eyes with hatred. She fears my mother.

  “She tried to kill you before it was time, she almost fucked everything up.”

  I’m so tired, I could be hallucinating. Right. That’s it. I start to close my eyes. Feeling weightless as my conscious prepares to protect itself.

  “Aw, I think we’re losing her” Carl laughs, the painful sting of a palm breaks me out of my bliss, “wake up princess, the fun hasn’t even started yet”

  “Don’t. Touch. Her.” Bane hisses, surprising that he cares, just a minuet ago he was talking about killing me himself. “She is mine, you should know that. Mine to fuck. Mine to kill. Mine to do whatever the fuck I want to with.” Oh, there he is.

  I am weakening, I can feel it, I’m holding on for some fucked up reason. The past four years has officially taken its toll. I give up. I am ready for death. I just hope Bane makes it out of her too. She can’t win.

  My heart can’t take anymore, “p-please. I don’t c-care anymore. Just end it” The words forced out through painful breaths. Every time I breathe my chest feels like it is being ripped out through my ribcage. Which is also broken, and the cuts on my back are not shallow. I can see the blood pooled on the floor.

  “Oh, dear, you think it’s that easy. I need a few things from you first.” She is petting me like a dog, when she looks up to Bane, “drop the act, it’s not fooling me. I knew you would never kill her, no matter what you think she did. I blackmailed her, and the worst part she didn’t budge when I threatened her, oh no, she crumbled when I threatened you.”

  “W-what do you want, mother.” I sob, “when will this end.”

  She cackles, “Real soon, dear. First, I need a few things. One you are going to sign this contract that gives everything to me. It predated on your birthday, so the next part will be easy. Because second, you are going to die, then your boyfriend is going to die. Who do you think they will pin your death on?”

  She nods to Trent and he comes around carrying a knife and Bane still hasn’t moved. Is he playing them, or was he going to kill me anyway. He looks to me, sadness in his eyes. He feels guilty, he shouldn’t, this was how it was supposed to go. I have come to terms with my death, he needs to too.

  The ties that are binding me to the table are cut and I am yanked to the s
ide out of the way of Carl’s gun that is pointed at Bane’s head. But not before Bane pulls his own. A light appears on Bane chest!

  “NO!” I elbow Trent in the ribs and kick him in the groin, I start to run to Bane, when I am pulled back by my hair, a yelp escapes my lips.

  “Let me go, mother fu-,” I try to demand, feeling a fight come back at the prospect of Bane being killed. But Trent’s hand comes to my mouth.

  “EVERYONE STOP” my mother screams. I struggle trying to get free of Trent’s grasp, “Carl, put the gun down, Bane, unless you want to die now, I would do the same. Trent get her under control”

  Bane looks at me, a fierceness I have never seen in his eyes. He knows. He wants to fight. He wants to fight hard, even if we die, we won’t die cowards. A slight tilt of his lip, barely visible, but noticeable to me, told me what I needed to know. I love you, too.

  He turns to my mother, gun still pointed at Carl, “You’re going to kill us anyways” Bane states calmly, “that doesn’t mean we will make it easy”

  Before anyone has a chance to react, Bane screams “NOW” and I fall to the floor as he puts a bullet in Trent’s head. He goes straight for Carl, and grabs him by the throat. I watch as punch after punch rains down on his face, the girlish screams and the blood. Bane is a monster. My monster.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see my mother trying to run for hills with Cierra in tow. Oh, hell no, bitch. I run to my mother and grab her by the throat and straddle her as she tries to break free. Not a fucking chance, I want answers.

  “WHY???” I scream in her face spit falling out of my mouth in anger.

  “I want what was mine, that isn’t too much to ask”

  I shake her, hard, her head hits the concrete floor, “You did all this for greed”