Killing Hearts_A Dark Romance Read online

  Table of Contents

  Part One

  1: One Wolf, One Pig, Two Lies.

  2: Who Are You

  3: Suicide-Murdered

  4: Bad Choices and Tears

  5: Truths and Popcorn, Whiskey Kisses.

  6: Risky Business

  7: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

  8: Spies and Frauds

  9: Homecoming

  10: Brother Mine

  11: Little Sister, Lost Brother

  12: This Is Going to Hurt

  13: Knight in Shining….

  Part Two

  14: Nothing More, Nothing Less.

  15: Being “Death”

  16: The Final Sin

  17: How it Feels to Die?

  18: Rock and a Hard Place

  19: I Did This

  20: Prisoner

  21: Changing Sides

  Part Three

  22: Playing the Part

  23: Take My Truth, Let Me Be

  24: Mine For Now

  25: Callously Numb

  26: Damsel, No More

  27: Better the Devil You Know?

  28: Timeline of Hate

  Part Four

  29: I Swear…Truth

  30: If Looks Could Kill…

  31: Unfolding Home


  Meet the Author

  Killing Hearts

  P. Brier

  Printed in USA by Amazon.

  Killing Hearts Copyright © 2018 by P. Brier. All Rights Reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by P. Brier

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  P. Brier

  Visit my website at

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing: Feb. 2018


  I want to dedicate this book to family and friends that have supported me throughout this journey. It has been a long time coming and you all have been wonderful.


  Part One

  1: One Wolf, One Pig, Two Lies.

  2: Who Are You

  3: Suicide-Murdered

  4: Bad Choices and Tears

  5: Truths and Popcorn, Whiskey Kisses.

  6: Risky Business

  7: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

  8: Spies and Frauds

  9: Homecoming

  10: Brother Mine

  11: Little Sister, Lost Brother

  12: This Is Going to Hurt

  13: Knight in Shining….

  Part Two

  14: Nothing More, Nothing Less.

  15: Being “Death”

  16: The Final Sin

  17: How it Feels to Die?

  18: Rock and a Hard Place

  19: I Did This

  20: Prisoner

  21: Changing Sides

  Part Three

  22: Playing the Part

  23: Take My Truth, Let Me Be

  24: Mine For Now

  25: Callously Numb

  26: Damsel, No More

  27: Better the Devil You Know?

  28: Timeline of Hate

  Part Four

  29: I Swear…Truth

  30: If Looks Could Kill…

  31: Unfolding Home


  Meet the Author

  This book has mature content that should only be read by adults 18+. All characters are consensual adults, exploring a darker side of sexuality. There is an aspect of BDSM and D&S, and some minor S&M. If this makes you uncomfortable, please read with caution.

  Part One

  1: One Wolf, One Pig, Two Lies.

  “Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell.”

  ― Walter Scott, The Heart of Mid-Lothian


  Bane Stratus

  SHE WAS FILTHY, dirt covered what I could see of her face. Her once white nightgown was ripped and dirtied up by the hands of her abductors. I clinched my fist with venom, they touched her. They obviously interrupted her getting ready for bed for their share of "fun". Her fear secreted off her olive skin. She was something alright. Something I didn't want. Something dangerous. I couldn't see her grey-flecked irises behind the blindfold, but I could feel them, piercing my heart. Well, what was left of it anyways.

  As she hung from the chains, her tipsy-toes barely touching the ground, I smirked. She was beautiful. Always was. She didn't know who lurked behind her. She knew to be afraid. But of what, now that was the right question. I always knew I would come for her. I knew that my destiny or path, if that's what you want to call it, led to her. But I never expected her to be a job. But, like they say, "Don't kick the gift horse in the mouth". She was mine. The agency hired me to take care of a problem. It just so happens that their problem and my problem were the same. The girl had to die. But how, was up to me. This was gonna be fun.

  I softly caressed the smooth skin of her cheek, as electricity charged up my arm. Ignoring the sensation, I smirk. The shaking has subsided and is replaced with a hopeful smile. She thought I would save her. I chuckle. Tsk tsk. I am no white knight, and I am sure as hell not going to save her. I am going to obliterate her. And once her spirit is extinguished, then her body will follow.

  "Shh" I cooed, "Don't be afraid. We will be reacquainted real soon, darlin. It will be a nice reunion". Understanding my meaning, she shook with violent sobs. See I may be doing a job, but this job is personal. Jesse Montgomery looks like the girl next door. The one you bring home to momma. But underneath that smoking toned body, and long tan legs there is a seductress so vial, and nobody is safe. She is the definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing. But tonight, I'm the wolf, and I won't hide. Woof woof little piggy, I'm back.

  2: Who Are You

  “Life is for the living.

  Death is for the dead.

  Let life be like music.

  And death a note unsaid.”

  ― Langston Hughes, The Collected Poems


  Jesse Montgomery

  GRADUATION. The day most seniors are getting ready to walk across the stage and receive the piece of paper that says you're an adult. Well shit. High school is over. The real world awaits. But unlike most seniors, I am sitting in the police station with my father as he cried because his oldest son has been found dead, overdose. Suicide. Don't get me wrong he wasn't a druggie or suicidal. He had secrets, and with some secrets come enemies. Mother was nowhere to found, per usual.

  Just two weeks ago, he had given me a letter. Not any letter. An after-death letter. He knew he was going to die. But gave me important instruction.

  "I'm sorry Monkey, I know you want normal, but we aren't normal, mom and dad made us this way" he sighed and grabbed my hand "just follow the directions, don't delay and don't deviate, this is life and death. I hope you understand once this is all done. And know, I love you more." Monkey. That was his nickname for me. Danny was six years older than me, so he was more of a parental figure than my real parents.

  My father was the local gangster, he didn't follow any rules that didn't benefit him, that included the law. That also included the "law" of being a father. But that's neither here nor there. Nobody messed with him, because the truth is, he would shoot you w
here you stand, and there was nothing you could do about it. He owned this town, not figuratively but literally.

  In the small town of Oak Tree, Ohio, population 1029, people feared Marco Montgomery. My father's ancestors founded this town in 1865. Honestly? Absolutely not. They founded it with the blood and bones of innocents and drugs. Over the next hundreds of years, the Montgomery's continued to kill, lie, cheat, and monopolize every possible aspect that was Oak Tree.

  My father was different. Not in a good way either. He was worse. He had no problem with being in the spotlight, and he thrived in it. He was arrogant, he didn't care if everyone knew he was above the law. He was power hungry and needed a son to continue the legacy.

  Father owned the local gentleman's club, Club X, which brought in most of Oak Tree's revenue. With that kind of money, he managed to get the local sheriff and mayor in his pocket. So even if he was arrested, he would be out by morning. Let's just say the officers involved were not seen again, dead or alive.

  The club invested in "special interest" and big pockets. It was private and sought-after commodity to be accepted into the club. I never knew what "special interest" meant but as I got older I had an idea. I've read plenty of dark romances on my Kindle to know that much. I mean I'm not a nun. I also know my brother knew more than he let on, but he tried to shelter me the best he could.

  The club is where father met my mother, Irina Steele aka Star, the headlining dancer at the club. My mother was extravagant. Ebony hair and beautiful green speckled eyes. She could captivate a room with her smile and white teeth. No wonder she stole the heart of the unattainable bachelor Marco Montgomery.

  Then Danny was born, and all was good, right? He had his legacy. And it was, for about six years. Until Star got pregnant, pregnant with me. Though Marco was indifferent at first, until the day the sex was revealed. "It's a girl". Let's just say that wasn't said in jubilation.

  Though mother tried to love me the best she could, she didn't want another child boy or girl. She had a hard-enough time paying attention to her six-year-old, adding another was catastrophic. She wanted to dance, and party, and snort as much cocaine to forget she had children.

  My father was a drunk and my mother was too wrapped up in her career and lifestyle, she didn't see the bruises, or she did but was too coked up to care. I would hate to believe the latter.

  Danny was always a good brother. He did his best to protect me from our father's fists and mothers neglect. Making sure I was fed and loved. He was my rock.

  And now here I am at eighteen, standing in the police station with shaking hands as I hold the piece of paper that will hopefully give me answers to the eminent question. "Why did you die", I muttered to myself.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  As soon as we got back to the house, father left, probably off to fuck some new whore. Mother was still nowhere in sight, most likely coked up somewhere, living it up.

  I on the other hand ran as quickly as I could to my bedroom and buried my face in my pillow and screamed. The ache that has been constant since I heard the news of my brothers passing explodes through wails of anguish. The agony of losing the only person who I ever loved, or loved me billows through the empty house. The house that is even emptier now that he is gone.

  Allowing myself thirty minutes of grief, I swallow my tears and reach for the paper that is weighing heavy in my pocket. The paper crinkles as I open its folds. I take a deep breath and began to read.

  Dear Monkey,

  I know losing me wasn't something that you planned on for your graduation. But understand if it could have been done differently I would have found it. As you already know I'm dead, from an overdose. I apparently committed suicide. As I know you, you don't believe a single word of it. You are right. Do you remember my friend Bane Stratus, well he is your answer to everything? Go find him. He will explain. He has your best interest at heart. He will protect you. Don't tell father or mother anything. Everything will be explained. Remember, you are loved, and you are cherished. Once this nightmare is over you will be free. Free to be you. Free to be good. Follow these first instructions. Go to the post office and check out the key for box 124. Take the contents and follow the instructions in the box. They will lead you to Bane. But be careful. You are not safe. I am not there to protect you. You can't be in the dark any longer. Get to Bane as soon as possible. Oh, pack a bag you won't be back. I love you Monkey. I'll be seeing you.

  "Love always, Danny" I whispered.

  What the hell Danny? What is going on? It 1:05 on a Friday, the post office is still open, I could make it to the post office find the next instructions and find my answers. Ugh, and Bane. Arrogant, cocky, and the "Bane" of my existence, literally. With his dark brown wavy hair and his devilish aqua eyes, he was the devil in disguise but he was also my brother's best friend and my only hope of finding out what happened to my brother. Danny and Bane had been best friends since middle school. When Banes father decided to invest in father’s club. His father owned one of the largest liquor distributors in the United States. His mother was killed in a car accident when Bane was twelve. He was never the same. He turned angry and bitter.

  But to me, he was my protector. He was soft with me. He cared for me. But not in the way I wanted. I was his best friend’s baby sister. I was off-limits. It didn’t help that I was awkward shy and unsure of myself. I mean how could I not be? I am the unwanted through and through. But Bane never treated me as such, and I was grateful for his kindness that he only let me see. He was broken but for me he wanted to be whole, but he would never give me a chance. But he was also my best friend. I loved him. He just didn’t love me.

  My father doesn’t love me and if anyone tries to make me happy he will put an end to it. My happiness was forbidden. Something happened when I turned sixteen. Bane came home angry and out of breath. He must have had a fight with my father again, that happened a lot. The memory fades in.

  “Fuck” I hear his booming voice and a loud thud of the door slamming. He walks into the kitchen and grabs a beer from the fridge. He is livid at something. His brow is pinched together and his face is red as a tomato. I stay in the kitchen and watch him, hoping he will acknowledge my presence. But for the first time, I don’t exist to him. He is somewhere else entirely.

  “What’s wrong” I stutter. I don’t normally stutter with him but I have also never seen him like this unless something bad has happened. I knew to be afraid, but I also knew he wouldn’t tell me of what. Both my brother and he always keep me in the dark. They feel they are protecting me. I am big girl; I have dealt with more than most people. I can handle it. But to them I am fragile.

  “Nothing you should worry your pretty head over” he huffs, sounding agitated at my question. I turn to head back to the kitchen when I hear a loud thud. I look to Bane and notice he is braced against the wall with his hand up and his head against the wall. There is a fist sized whole next to his arm. I walk to him, slowly, a little scared at his fury. I know he would never hurt me, but he is impulsive right now. Bane with nothing to lose is scarier than anything my father could do to me. He can be meticulous and violent. He is smart and you don’t see him coming. How do I know? I have seen the darkness in him when he doesn’t think I am looking. I see him.

  I place my hand on his shoulder, and he moves with a quickness. I flinch at his sudden gesture and his eyes contort in pain.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I won’t hurt you. It’s nothing really. Just one of those days” he speaks. He never would tell me what he does for a living. I know he works for father, but that’s all I know.

  He rubs his hands down his face, frustration seeping through his pores. Every emotion flaring off him in defecating heat. He needs me. I am the only one he can show his true self to.

  “You don’t have to hide everything from me. I am not weak”

  He sighs shaking his head, “No, your strong, darlin. You’re the strongest person I know. But this is my burden to bare not yours” he closes hi
s eyes, “I can’t even tell your brother” he mumbles softly, I almost don’t hear him. I step closer and put my trembling hand on his cheek. His eyes reflect something unfamiliar, is that desire? We stare at each other having a silent conversation. Feeling bold I lean closer, giving him permission to touch me. But instead he shakes his head, and starts to walk away. He wants me, but he won’t allow himself to have me. Feeling humiliated I start to panic.

  “Stop” I shriek, “please, don’t go. I’m sorry” I spit out.

  He doesn’t turn around or even look at me.

  “How” he murmurs, turning towards me.

  “How what”?

  He stalks back to me, each second ticking by slowly, he cradles my neck in his large hand.

  “How do you ignite the good out of my evil? How do you make me want to be better, nicer? Softer. In a world that would eat me alive for it.”

  I don’t say anything, not that I know what to say.

  “How can you make me want to kiss you, when I know I shouldn’t” his voice husky and low?

  He leans in, I feel the heat of breath on my lips, and he wants to kiss me. He parts his lips to touch mine.

  “Hey Bane, boss needs y...” one of guards stops taking in the scene in front of him. He looks at Bane and back at me.

  Bane grabs my chin and brings me back to him. But he looks different. A cocky grin is plastered on his face. He raises and eyebrow and sneers, “Gutter trash” and shoves me away.

  That was the last time I saw Bane. He left. No explanation, nothing. One minute he was about to kiss me. The next he is humiliating me. I understand I am off-limits. But he didn’t need leave with no word. Father was beating me more too. Making me do more chores. Giving me less food. Danny was constantly trying to sneak me food. But father kept him even busier since Bane’s disappearance. Danny never spoke of his departure, he just seemed angry.